Welcome to my Portfolio — InfoMiner

Thanks for stopping by. You are probably here because you know that I do freelance crypto\blockchain research, and create thorough, in-depth content. I've also done quite a bit of research and writing on Data Science, Digital Transformation, AI\ML\NLP\Deep Learning\ETC. However, crypto is my full-time passion.

On Twitter, I follow crypto developers, academics, traders, cypherpunks, lawyers, and other cartoon characters who've been around crypto for many years. That's where I gather opinions and information from the builders and influencers of crypto, creating an Epic Collection of Curated Crypto Resources.

I decided to become a writer because reading is my favorite pastime and I was looking for a new life path. That's when I found the crypto blogging site, Steemit, in mid-2017. Introduced to the complex world of crypto, I discovered that I could earn pretty well by writing about the Steem its community. The abuses of central banking have gone on long enough, and I'm grateful we have something that doesn't belong to them. My passion for research and learning to create high-quality content has helped me to grow. I found steemit looking for a way to earn a living, and during the epic bull run and for a couple of months afterward I earned more than enough Steem to pay some bills. Too bad I didn't understand market psychology at the time or I could have profited nicely.

As the price of crypto got lower, my earnings dwindled, along with my motivation to write on Steem. However, I learned the basics of quality content creation, and begun my journey towards becoming a decent writer. Because fellow Steemians know my passion for research, a few of them hired me for research assignments, and to prepare materials for online courses. In March, I signed up on Fiverr to sell my blockchain research services. From that time forward I've poured myself into the crypto scene full-time, learning the basics. That's what I do, all day every day, I study crypto. Of course, I don't get to choose the topic of every article I'm hired for. As a result, some of these are about Data Science and other tech subjects, but I don't write advertising copy. I love that I get paid to learn, and put a lot of effort into content creation and research, beyond the cost of my services. My dedication is to finding well sourced, high quality, factual information; and to present it in simply and technically accurate.

This blog is a place for me to save articles I've written freelance, and keep them organized for potential customers and anyone else who wants to share this journey of knowledge with me.

If you are looking to hire someone for freelance


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